Most of the design capabilities of Tableau Desktop, including cards, shelves, and Show Me are also available to Explorer license holders.

It connects directly to on-premises and cloud data sources, as well as presents flexible extract hosting and scheduled refreshes. Tableau Server is designed for installation on your own premises, or in your own leased Azure or AWS cloud space.Without a doubt, the most flexible method of Tableau distribution is one of their online, web-based options. So, real time data connections can’t be analyzed with Tableau Reader. TWB file that connects to any live data sources. Tableau Reader is a “full client” Windows or Mac program that must be installed and updated on individual computers just like Tableau Desktop.
There definitely are some disadvantages to using Tableau Reader as a distribution method, even though it supports full interactivity and animation, just like Tableau Desktop: Depending on how you end up at a Tableau Reader page on the website, you may even find some discouraging notes on why you should consider Tableau Server or Tableau Online options instead of Tableau Reader (yes, Tableau Server/Online isn’t free). You either have to know the direct URL, or you have to do a web search. For example, you won’t find it appearing on any product or service menu on their website. As you might imagine, that doesn’t help their bottom line, so they don’t openly promote it. Tableau considers this one of their “best kept secrets” because it’s free of charge. If you’re relatively new to Tableau, you may not have heard of this option before. If you’ve been using Tableau for a while, you’ve probably heard of Tableau Reader. Just understand that a packaged workbook with extracted data sources won’t be providing immediate real time analysis to your colleague. HYPER files and save the workbook as a packaged. And, if they don’t have connectivity to the same data sources your workbook is using, make sure to extract any data sources to.

Just make sure they have the same, or newer version so they won’t have any difficulty opening your workbook. Probably the most obvious way to share a Tableau workbook, complete with full interactivity, and the ability for the person you share with to make their own customizations, is by ensuring that your colleague has their own copy of Tableau Desktop.
If you’ve selected multiple tabs, the Selected Sheets radio button may be selected in the Print to PDF dialog box. Hint: You may select multiple sheet tabs by ctrl-clicking desired tabs before printing to PDF.